Integrating Metricks with your Magento backend does require some technical know-how. If you are unsure about any of the steps outlined below we suggest you consult with your web developer to complete the integration for you.

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Below is a step-by-step procedure on how to integrate metricks with your Magento website. dashboard  

How to Integrate Metricks in Your Magento Website

Installing the Extension

If you’re using Magento v2.4 or above you’ll need to integrate by using the command line integration. If you’re using v2.3.4 or below you can use the command line or utilize the Web Setup Wizard. Instructions for both are below, and you can find your version of Magento in the footer of your admin dashboard to the far right.

Web Setup Wizard Integration

If you’ve installed other extensions using the web setup wizard, the process for installing Metricks should be similar.

In your store, navigate to System > Web Setup Wizard and select “Extension Manager.” If your Magento Marketplace account is already connected to your store, you will see one or more “Extensions Ready to Install.”

Click Review and Install, find “metricks-Magento” in the “Ready to Install” list, and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.

Once installed, it’s always a good idea to navigate into System > Cache Management in Magento and clear the cache as well as any static files to confirm the changes are reflected.

Command-Line Integration

Magento has deprecated the Web Setup Wizard as of version 2.3.6 and has completely removed it in version 2.4+. 

As of now, all extensions will need to be installed using the command line interface on your backend server.

Installation Prerequisites

Ensure you’ve set up and configured your Marketplace account credentials on your Magento server.

Ensure you’ve purchased the Metricks module using the same Magento Marketplace account connected to your Magento server.

When prompted for the composer extension name, please enter:


Once completed and the Metricks extension is enabled, we recommend clearing the cache in Magento and removing any static files to ensure the changes are properly reflected.

Connecting to your Metricks account

To connect your store to your Metricks account, first, grab your public and secret API keys in Metricks from Account > Settings > Metricks API.

If you don’t have a Metricks account yet, you’ll want to head over to, create an account, and follow the in-app Start Guide to set things up. Be sure to choose Magento as your platform when prompted!

With your keys in hand, head back to your admin dashboard in Magento and navigate to Stores > Configuration.

Enter your Metricks API key where prompted and be sure to select “Yes” in the “Enabled” dropdown.

Note: If you plan to use email conversion triggers or want to run any reporting in Metricks around your customers, you’ll want to set the Send Customer Information to “Yes.”

Once you’ve configured all of the options, click “Save Config” from the upper right. 

Next, you’ll want to run a test order to make sure everything is set up properly before launching your program.

Note: Metricks will only receive orders that are in the paid status.

If you encounter any issues, feel free to email us.